How to redirect unlisted route to HomePage in Laravel?
You can redirect all the unlisted or unauthorized route to Homepage with a simple trick. But first we need to know why we need it. This is require when user try to access a route which is not in your application. So instead of showing 404 Error or NotFoundHTTPException you can easily redirect the user to Homepage.
It's very easy to implement. What you need to do is just run a query in your routes.php file.
You can use the following code in your application in routes.php file. So when a user try to access the route which isn't in your routes list it will redirect to the Homepage.
It's very easy to implement. What you need to do is just run a query in your routes.php file.
You can use the following code in your application in routes.php file. So when a user try to access the route which isn't in your routes list it will redirect to the Homepage.
Route::any('{route}', function() {
return redirect('/');
})->where('route', '.*');
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